15 octobre 2022

4 impactful projects you’ve helped fund

Here’s just a few examples of the change you helped create.

Your support for men’s health makes a real difference. In 2022, Mo’s across mainland Europe raised over €2.5 million that will go towards men’s health projects on the continent, and we couldn’t be more grateful for your support. Here’s just a few examples of the change you helped create.

Answering the call of first responders

An emergency service worker’s job isn’t easy. Exposure to traumatic events, such as major incidents, can trigger post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health challenges, including depression. German emergency service workers can now access specialised male-focused online mental health resources and support, thanks to Movember. 
The RUPERT project developed by Diskussionsforum Depression e.V. and the Stiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe is a German language mental health platform aimed at emergency service workers and their families. 
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Finding the best way to fight testicular cancer 

Movember-funded researchers in Europe are seeking to determine the best treatment plan for men who have been treated for testicular cancer with chemotherapy, but the cancer has come back. The research project, called the TIGER Trial, is looking at whether there is a difference in survival rates between patients receiving conventional dose chemotherapy compared with high-dose chemotherapy with stem-cell treatment. Recruitment of 420 men and boys 254 of whom from the EU– has now been completed. All patients will be followed up for several years, but we anticipate that the data analysis and resulting publications will provide significant guidance in the clinical care of this rare group of men with testicular cancer. 

How to start a lifesaving conversation

A conversation can save a life. And the more informed and experienced we are in those situations, the better the outcome. Movember Conversations is an interactive chat tool that lets you practice those skills to approach challenging conversations with confidence. Available in French, German and English.

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Improving prostate cancer care

Over 61,000 men from 14 countries – including Germany, Netherlands and Spain – have joined the TrueNTH Global Registry to help doctors identify what’s working well for men with prostate cancer (and what isn’t) so that care can be improved for all men. 
Depending on where a man lives, his race, and other factors, there can be big gaps in prostate cancer care and outcomes. Thanks to funds raised by the Movember community, the TrueNTH Global Registry is working to close these gaps and improve prostate cancer care globally.